Mar 042015

I was looking over a small booklet entitled;

Cyril & Rose Gehl family reunion July 2, 2000 1:00 pm Hilbert Civic Park

It looks like it was put together by Carol Vollmer Gehl.  A few pages in there was a page dated 1992 with the name Carol hand written.  The title of the page is Some interesting general information I got from Uncle Joe Gehl.

One of the entries listed was this simple line;

Emma Drake was Andrew Gehl’s cousin from Indiana

I started digging around and found an Emma Gehl, born in 1864 in Indiana, who married William Drake in 1893.  After searching a little more I found her parents were Nicholas and Mary Heitz Gehl.  Nicholas was born 17 Jun 1831 in Rehlingen, Germany.

Nicholas is the older brother of Johann Gehl (Andrew Gehl’s dad) from Germany!  Uncle Joe was right – Emma Drake was Andrew Gehl’s first cousin! Furthermore, Nicholas is buried in Jefferson County, Indiana.  His headstone can be seen here…


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